Episode 5
Episode 5 - A Fraud Among Us
Published on:
25th September, 2020
Over the last 2 weeks, the fraud prevention industry has been rocked by news that a fraud technology company (a vendor providing anti-fraud technology as a SaaS product) was being investigated by the SEC......for fraud. In this episode, Karisse breaks down the various perspectives and behind-the-scenes accounts of what happened and what some of the warning signs may have been, in hindsight. The intent of this episode is to point out to "red flags", to help others recognize the signs, should something similar happen in this industry again. All opinions are my own, or were provided under condition of anonymity. For more information about this case, see the below: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidjeans/2020/09/11/fraud-prevention-startup-ns8-fraud-investigation-sec/amp/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidjeans/2020/09/17/ceo-of-cyber-fraud-startup-ns8-arrested-by-fbi-facing-fraud-charges/#7da3ad3162ed https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/founder-and-ceo-cyberfraud-prevention-company-arrested-and-charged-securities-fraud This episode is sponsored by Sift. Check out www.Sift.com/Fraudology to learn more