Episode 32
EP32: Fraud War Stories in Sports Event Ticketing (w/ Holly Sandberg at Paciolan)
One of the most unique aspects of online fraud fighting is that what type of fraud attempts your company experiences and the strategies to combat it, vary based on several factors. The biggest factor being a company's vertical in e-commerce, Outdoor equipment retailers will have different issues than Sneaker retailers, who will have many different issues than online gaming companies, etc. In this new series of episodes, merchants will be sharing the "war stories in their perspective vertical of e-commerce, along with their best career advice, best practices, and more. In the first episode of this series, sports & event ticketing expert, Holly Sandberg of Paciolan (a Comcast company) will share what is most unique about her industry, and what fraud attempts look like to her company. She also shares her passion for leadership, mentorship, continual learning, and collaboration.
To connect with Holly (And NOT to pitch your products!), you can find her on LinkedIn here:
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This episode was edited and produced by the incredible team at Journey Gurl Productions.